![]() Amsterdam, the Netherlands Ziggo Dome
MacPhisto: [sings] "Even the greatest stars... discover themself in the looking glass..." [approaches iPad on a stand; sees a devilish face superimposed over his own image] Crowd: [laughter, whoops and whistles] MacPhisto: "Hello." Crowd: [laughter] MacPhisto: "Good evening. Don MacPhisto at su servicio." [sniggers] Crowd: [whoops and whistles] MacPhisto: [sniffs] "What's that smell?" Crowd: [laughter] MacPhisto: [sniffs] "Oh! I believe it's the stench... of liberal... democracy." Crowd: [laughter and cheers] MacPhisto: "Is that what it is?" Crowd: [applause] MacPhisto: "Maybe... The Hague?" Crowd: [cheer] MacPhisto: "Is that what it is? So many bridges around here. You need to build some walls." Crowd: [laughter] MacPhisto: "To keep out all the different people that you don't want in Europe. Because... you don't want to be a part of Europe, 'cos it's full of foreigners." Crowd: [whoops and shouts] MacPhisto: "And we don't like f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-- foreigners!" Crowd: [laughter and whistles] MacPhisto: "I don't like... foreigners. What's the point in all these different languages, if people insist on understanding each other? I've an idea. MacPhisto for Europe! That's the ticket." Crowd: [whoops and applause] MacPhisto: "Whaddya say, Amsterdam? MacPhisto for Europe!" Crowd: [applause] MacPhisto: "And you cerebral types – just remember. It's when you don't believe I exist – that's when I do... my best work." [Acrobat begins] MacPhisto: "Don't believe what you hear. Don't believe what you see. If you just close your eyes... you can feel the enemy!" |
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