German flag Wednesday 5th September 2018
Cologne, Germany

Lanxess Arena

MacPhisto: [sings] "Even the greatest stars... discover themself in the looking glass..." [approaches iPad on a stand; sees a devilish face superimposed over his own image] "Even the greatest stars..."

Crowd: [whoops]

MacPhisto: [inhales] "Oh, there you are." [laughs] "So, my chum, Bo-no... gets his voice back. Wunderbar!  Ha ha ha."

Crowd: [applause and whistles]

MacPhisto: "And what is he doing with it?  Singing?  No... he's giving speeches about Europe!  But mostly about himself. Yawn." [sniggers] "Germany doesn't need speeches about Europe from Bo-no. Listen... to... The Donald!  Ahh – there's a man who knows how to put his country first. Ask The Donald!"

Crowd: [loud whistles]

MacPhisto: "Ask The Donald!"

Crowd: [boos and whistles]

MacPhisto: "Trust me on this!" [evil laugh] "I'm your man – MacPhisto!  MacPhisto for Europe!  Put ME on the ticket!  Hey... it's when you don't believe I exist – that's when I do... my best work."

[Acrobat begins]

MacPhisto: "Don't believe what you hear. Don't believe what you see. If you just close your eyes... you can feel the enemyyy!"

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