US flag Tuesday 15th May 2018
Los Angeles, California, USA

The Forum

[Desire ends]

Bono: "Desire... greed... showy-offness... deceit... lust... vanity – all the essentials for a showman like myself. Guilty – of all of them!  I am. Vanity – ohhh. Hmm... and of course, the licence to just look in the mirror." [approaches iPad on a stand; his "reflection" is shown on the big screen] "How revealing!" [sees a devilish face superimposed over his own image]

Crowd: [cheers and laughter]

MacPhisto: "Ohh!" [inhales admiringly] "Ohhh!  Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around a long, long year... stole many a man's..." [laughing] "...soul to waste. I was there in Charlottesville, when the KKK Sieg Heiled together!" [gives Nazi salute] "Made damn sure the President's hands were full... with 'Stormy'... weather." [evil laughter]

Crowd: [applause]

MacPhisto: "Oh!  Oh, you can't make this shit up!"

Crowd: [laughter]

MacPhisto: "I've so little to do..." [laughing] "...these days. Pleased to meet you!  Hope you guess my name. My name is... MacPhisto, actually."

Crowd: [screams and cheers]

MacPhisto: "I sometimes dress up as Mick Jagger!" [raises his arms]

Crowd: [cheers and applause]

MacPhisto: "Oh, excuse me... Los Angeles?"

Crowd: [cheer]

MacPhisto: "It's when you don't believe I exist... that I do my best work."

[Acrobat begins]

MacPhisto: "Don't believe what you see. Don't believe what you hear. Don't believe what you see. You just close your eyes... you can feel the enemyyy! ...FEEL! ...Ahh!" [raises and waves his arms]

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