![]() San Jose, California, USA SAP Center
[Desire ends; Bono leads the crowd in clapping the Bo Diddley beat] Bono: "Desire... greed... luuussst... deceit... vanity – all the essentials for the showman in all his forms. And of course... a licence... to just look... in the mirror." [approaches iPad on a stand; his "reflection" is shown on the big screen] "Oh. Haven't seen you in quite a while." [sees a devilish face superimposed over his own image] Crowd: [cheers and screams] MacPhisto: [admiringly] "Oh... oh. Age brings... beauty! And a spot of bother. Is there a dermatologist in the house? I-- I have a little blemish." [points to lesion on his cheek] "How the hell are you, California?" Crowd: [cheer] MacPhisto: "I hear you're a little backed up on the 101. Who d'you think turned the 680 into the 280? Hello!" Crowd: [laughter and cheers] MacPhisto: "I do love highways. My absolute favourite is the information superhighway!" Crowd: [cheer] MacPhisto: "I love information... on people. I was just today at the..." [searches for the right word] "...coronation of Comrade Putin, my old protégé. I remember telling him, back in his days in the KGB: 'Soon, people will actually spy on themselves!'" Crowd: [whoops] MacPhisto: "So here we are... the truth is DEAD! And the KKK are out on the streets of Charlottesville without their silly costumes – who'd have thought? Ohhh, San Jose. When you don't believe I exist, that's when I do my best work." [Acrobat begins] MacPhisto: "Don't believe what you hear. Don't believe what you see. If you just close your eyes, you can feel... THE ENEMYYY! ...Haaa! Huh!" |
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